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I ‘m gonna fly away...

Plane trips can be scary for many people. Luckily, I am not afraid of planes, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get uncomfortable on a super long flight. So, here is a small survival guide for the excruciatingly long transatlantic flight. Comfort over looks

Yes, I know that your new skinny jeans look super cute and that Kim K always looks fab when exiting a plane, but this is really not the time to put your looks over comfort. It will be a very long flight, you will probably need to sleep or stay seated for quite some time. Choose very comfortable clothes that you can relax in, and that won’t put pressure on your legs, belly and waist because you will definitely be affected by the long time in the air! Also, don’t forget to carry an extra set of clothes on your handbag. Those flights are super long and you might feel like you need to change your clothes before/after your connecting flight. Finally, always carry a hoodie or a jacket with you. Planes can get REALLY cold. Movies, movies, movies As far as I know, all aircrafts that perform transatlantic flights are equipped with personal entertainment systems. But just to be on the safe side, have 4 or 5 movies on your tablet or laptop, in case something goes wrong with your in-flight entertainment. Books are always good company, but most likely the cabin crew will close all windows and turn off the lights so that other passengers can sleep, so if you are an airplane insomniac like me, you will not have enough light to enjoy a book. Movies and series though will come in handy!

I like to move it move it

Don’t forget to get up every couple of hours to stretch and walk around. Your body needs some movement to avoid any implications from the long flight, especially if you are seating and not lying down. So don’t forget to get up and move, even if the person next to you is asleep and won’t move easy. You can always call the flight attendant and ask them to help you wake up the person next to you. They will always respond to those calls since them too, instruct passengers to get up often. Also, if you know you will need to get up often (ex. Frequent use of the bathroom or can’t sleep much), choose the aisle seat on your row so you don’t have to get the side-eye from anyone you woke up!

Eat, pray, love

While on the plane, don’t forget to hydrate! I can’t stress this enough. The atmosphere on the plane is super dry, which will make you feel dehydrated and even your skin might feel dry. Drink as much water or other fluids as you can, and avoid alcohol. Yes, ‘tis true that in every movie the jetsetters drink champagne or other cocktails in flight, but I am guessing their flights lasts about 45 minutes. Alcohol dehydrates you and can make you dizzy, so it’s best you avoid it. If you want to drink something to relax, try one glass of wine! Pro tip: Carry a lip balm and a moisturizer for your face. It will help you feel more refreshed throughout the flight.

Also, don’t forget to eat regularly, but avoid any foods you suspect might cause you a stomach ache or a tummy ache. Those planes are huge and there are only so many bathrooms… They are bound to be occupied –usually whenever you need them-.

Disclaimer about the flight: it is super long, and there is a high chance you will freak out at some point. I sure did. I just had so much time in my hands that I started thinking about everything that could go wrong once I landed, and then freaking out about the jetlag I did not yet have. All this is normal. This is a huge change for you, and the first time you actually realize what is about to happen is the moment you listen to those gigantic engines roar as your plane sets off to cross the ocean. Take a breath and give yourself time. Everything will work out, I promise. Try to see it all as a joke, as a once in a lifetime experience. Pretend you are a modern day Colombus, ready to discover a whole new world, or an international movie star who is just so used to those things! This is the first step towards a great adventure. It’s an uncomfortable step, but a step nevertheless!

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